Frequently asked questions regarding Sumitomo Electric's investor relations information, and answers to them.

Financial Information

Where can I find Sumitomo Electric's financial results?

They are listed in Fact Book and Annual Report.

Where are business performance indicators like ROE, shareholders' equity ratio, EPS, and BPS listed?

They are listed in Fact Book.

What is Sumitomo Electric's fiscal year?

The fiscal year begins on April 1 and ends on March 31 of the following year.

Where can I see Sumitomo Electric’s portfolio reports?

They are listed in the IR Library.

Where can I see Sumitomo Electric's annual report?

Click here to access to the current or recent annual reports.

Stock Information

When were Sumitomo Electric's shares listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE)?

May 1949
All other basic information about Sumitomo Electric’s stock is available at Stock Information.

What is Sumitomo Electric's TSE code number?

All other basic information about Sumitomo Electric’s stock is available at Stock Information.

What is the minimum trading unit?

All other basic information about Sumitomo Electric’s stock is available at Stock Information.

How can I check Sumitomo Electric's stock price?

Click here to access to stock price information.